Monday, October 10, 2016

Do you want to company enter or expand its presence into foreign markets, International Business Software can help you

There are many challenges for growing your business in this digital era. Staying flat while the rest of your competitors growing is really frustrating to any of the stakeholders of a company. For a start up company expanding and growing your business is the most critical part of success. Managing and studying the new technologies and trends is also a complicating task.

The fast rate of technological development continues to transform the way businesses operate – a trend that shows no sign of abating. Once a business is established the next level thinking is to look for market entry mode strategies, In this digital era every thing is made easier with the help of different software’s like ERP software’s, HRM , Export import software’s, Business software’s, global marketing management tools etc. With the help of these software’s everything is made easier.

Doing business is partially international by definition; whether you have any international locations or planning to open one.  Janavaras & Associates International Inc. (JAI) that helps companies to expand their business footprint into foreign markets. 

What Business should use JAI International Business Strategies Tools?

  • Non-exporting companies interested in identifying global market opportunities.
  • International companies considering global expansion.
  • Trade specialists and consultants.
  • Business faculty and students.

International Business Software , international Business Strategy tools

The Software will help you answer these questions

  • What is the present status of your company?
  • Are there global market opportunities for your products?
  • Who are your global competitors?
  • Where are your high potential markets located?
  • What market should your company enter first?
  • What is the best entry strategy?
  • What is the most effective international business plan?

Benefits of JAI Software for your Business

Interested in trying a demo? 


Sunday, August 28, 2016

What you need to know about Export Import Software's for Business

Maintaining and Managing an Export Import Business is really complicated as compared to other industry verticals. To succeed in any business, the prime objective should be to achieve the best production results  that is superior quality, smooth business execution, customer satisfaction, cost effectiveness etc.

In the case of an Export Import Company or business there are many aspects to be take cared of, like Purchase management, Sales management, Inventory management, Production, HR, Services, Entry mode strategies, Transportation, strategic planning management tools ,Time management etc. To correlate and to streamline all these areas is really a hectic task. 

Janavaras International have designed an ERP software called EIMSO2 is an export import software, an International business softwareaims on developing a company’s export or import strategy thereby helping your company enter or expand its presence into foreign markets. It have all the above listed modules and many other like Business Strategy teaching tools, strategic planning management tools.

export import software | Project based teaching & learning tool

EIMSO2 is based on Dr. Basil Janavaras’s book on Global Marketing Management System (GMMS) and it is the culmination of the author’s decades of experience in international trade research, teaching and training and personal involvement in business, including exporting and importing.

Who Can Use EIMSO2, Export Import Software

  • Companies contemplating business expansion in a global level
  • Instructors teaching international trade courses, international logistics and international marketing courses as Project basedteaching tool and project based learning tool.
  • Anyone interested in exporting / importing
  • Trade consultants, practitioners, and government trade specialists

Try the Demo Version

If you want to know more about our software and to try a demo version, then you can visit Export Import Software, EIMSO


Sunday, August 7, 2016

Why Project based teaching / Learning tool ?

Projects in the classroom are as old as the classroom itself.
“Projects” can represent a range of tasks that can be done at home or in the classroom, by parents or groups of students, quickly or over time. While project based learning tool (PBL) also features projects, in PBL the focus is more on the process of learning and learner-peer-content interaction that the end-product itself.

Project based teaching tool | Project based learning tool

The learning process is also personalized in a progressive project based teaching environment by students asking important questions, and making changes to products and ideas based on individual and collective response to those questions. In PBL, the projects only serve as an infrastructure to allow users to play, experiment, use simulations, address authentic issues, and work with relevant peers and community members in pursuit of knowledge.

By design, project based learning is learner-centered. Students don’t simply choose between two highly academic projects to complete by a given date, but instead use the teacher’s experience to design and iterate products and projects–products and projects that often address issues or challenges that are important to them. 

Project based teaching tool | Project based learning tool

Project based teaching tool engages students in real projects for real corporations. Furthermore, this is an effective learning methodology which can be easily incorporated into a dynamic and challenging learning context such as international business education. Engaging in student-corporate collaboration on international business projects is, therefore, an excellent way to enhance student learning. However, when designing a  project-based learning course one must keep a learner perspective, but never neglect the goal of delivering value to corporate sponsors.  project based learning is defined in this paper and practical advice is given for the implementation of  project based learning and project-based teaching into international business courses. Corporations can benefit from working in collaboration with student teams and these benefits include access to cost-effective resources (students) and to the expertise provided by faculty. Furthermore, the skills and competencies gained by learners in PBL courses match those sought by companies who are beginning or developing their international business.

GMMSO4 as a Project Based Learning Tool

GMMSO4 software, International business software, can also be used as a project based learning (PBL) tool and Project based teaching tool for educational purposes in Universities, training centers and businesses alike. 
More specifically, this strategic planning management tool is used by:
  • Instructors teaching

             International business
             International management courses
             Global / International Marketing
             Global business strategy / policy

International business software

You can Ask for Instructor FREE TRIAL

If you are looking for an effective  project based learning tool to teach international business or global marketing, you can get the global marketing management teaching tools from Janavaras Associates International (JAI), located at 27 Capri Drive, Mankato, USA, which will helps your business in entry mode stategies. You can ask for instructor free trial for trying the software to know whether it will meet your needs and requirements.

Monday, July 18, 2016

International business software - GMMSO4 & EMISO2

GMMSO4 is a research and Global strategic planning management tool designed by Janavaras & Associates International Inc. (JAI) that help companies to expand their business footprint into foreign markets.
A good number of instructors and students from Universities around the world have used GMMSO4 software in international business and management  courses as Project based teaching tool.

GMMSO4 as a Project Based Learning Tool -

GMMSO4 software can also be used as a project based learning (PBL) tool for educational purposes in Universities, training centers and businesses alike.
More specifically, this strategic planning management simulation is used by:

  • Instructors teaching
  • International business
  • International management courses
  • Global / International Marketing
  • Global business strategy / policy
  • Business managers seeking high potential markets
  • Government trade specialists
  • Trade consultants and practitioners
International business software | Global Marketing Management simulations

EIMSO2 is an export import software designed by Janavaras & Associates International, Inc. (JAI) that is aimed on developing a company’s export or import strategy. This tool consists of two dynamic software components – Export Management System Online (EMSO) and Import Management System Online (IMSO).

By implementing EIMSO2, business organizations can close the gap by developing their exporting or importing plans, strategies and operations in a cost-effective and timely manner, thereby helps your company enter or expand its presence into foreign markets.

export import software | Project based teaching tool

For Educational Purposes as Project based teaching tool - 

Web-based EIMSO2 can also be used as an Project Based Learning Tool and international trade research teaching and training toolsthat is highly interactive, engaging, and innovative for students. This international trade research, teaching and training software helps them in bridging the gap between international trade theory and the rigorous decision making process of solving real, complex business problems. Students will learn exporting and importing strategies, as well as international business tasks and technical aspects of trading globally.

Feel free to contact Janavaras for any queries or a demo regarding International business softwares.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Are you looking for a right Export Import software ? EIMSO can help you.

Choosing the best import and export software for your distribution business can be a ponderous task for any company. Each export import software varies according to the industry. Dealing all the management functions manually will out rate your business in the industry.The EIMSO, Export Import Management System Online is developed by Janavaras & Associates International (JAI). According to JAI, it is designed to support you as a Global Leader in your role as in Export manager or import manager in a global setting.

Export-Import software
EIMSO is a management planning tool designed to help develop a company’s import or export strategy. EIMSO consists of two dynamic software, Export Management System Online (EMSO) and Import Management System Online (IMSO). EMSO is for Company situation analysis , Global market search - choosing the right market, In-depth analysis of potential foreign markets, entry stategy and marketing plan. IMSO is for company international environment, determining company orgin ,Import stategy etc.
By implementing EIMSO2, business organizations can close the gap by developing their exporting or importing plans, strategies and operations in a cost-effective and timely manner. Thereby business organizations can minimize risks associated with global expansion, strengthen their competitive edge, and increase long-term sales and profits in a dynamic global marketplace.

Who should use EIMSO ?

  • Instructors teaching International trade courses, international logistics, and international marketing courses can use this as Project based teaching tool
  • Non-exporting companies interested in export-import opportunities.
  • International companies contemplating global expansion.
  • Government trade specialists, trade consultants, and practitioners.
  • Anyone interested in exporting or importing
By using EIMSO you could ensure the following benifits like Minimum preparation time, Real-time interactive business tools, User-friendly, Cost-effective etc. EIMSO is an exceptionally flexible and adaptale product that effectively manages your business right from the Inquiry stage to Payment realization stage

Approach JAI for Export Import Management Software

If you want to develop your company's export and import , then you can go for EIMSO, Export Import Management System Online, designed and developed by JAI to customise your business requirement. It is a budget friendly software.If you want to know more about our software then you can visit You can also try the demo version of EIMSO2 to determine whether the software fulfills your needs and requirements.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

How GMMSO4 Helps Business Managers in Finding Potential Foreign Markets
Global Marketing Management System Online, 4th Edition, or GMMSO4 is a web-based strategic international business software developed by Janavaras & Associates International (JAI). According to JAI, it will help your company enter or expand its presence into foreign markets. GMMSO4 provides a comprehensive, systematic, integrative, and strategic marketing planning process designed to guide managers through a corporate decision-making process with reference to seeking opportunities and attaining global market share. The GMMSO approach finds its theoretical and empirical justification from the international business and strategic management literature.

According to international marketing experts, the main content of a global strategic marketing plan that guides strategic and tactical marketing decisions usually covers four areas – market situation analysis, objectives for each country, strategies & resource allocation, and action plans (for each marketing mix element). Also, there are four stages when it comes to the development of a global marketing plan:

      Deciding whether to globalize
      Deciding which markets to enter
      Developing market entry strategies
      Designing the global marketing program – developing the international marketing mix
   Implementing and coordinating the global marketing program according to the allocation of marketing resources indicated in the marketing budget.

Challenging Task of Bringing Real World to a Training Environment

When designing GMMSO4 software, the developers have faced the challenging task of bringing the real world into the training environment and to make the project realistic. Yet, the developers successfully fulfilled that task. The main aim of GMMSO4 is to assist marketing managers as well as students to research global markets and develop effective international marketing plans and strate­gies. GMMOS4 provides the much intended platform and a systematic step-by-step process needed to support users in their roles as manag­ers and decision makers in a global setting. It enables users to:

• Conduct a company situation analysis in global context
• Identify countries with high market potential for the company’s product/service
• Conduct and in-depth market/competitive analysis and select the best country market
• Determine the best entry mode strategy and develop the market­ing plan

The web-based GMMSO4 software leads to a systematic gathering and evaluating of informa­tion to build a learning experience that stimulates business managers using on­line resources. The expected outcome is a comprehensive and dynamic international marketing plan, which can be executed anywhere in the world. Business managers, working individually or in groups, have an opportunity to in­tegrate all functional business areas, assess the impact of environmen­tal forces on business decisions and bridge the gap between theory and practice.
Approach JAI for International Business Simulation Software

For conducting research and analysis on international markets, you can use a web-based simulation software like GMMSO4 provided by JAI at a budget-friendly price and customized to your business requirements. The main focus of this user-friendly global strategic planning software is to provide our clients with a systematic and practical approach to identifying global business opportunities and develop their international business strategies online.  

Monday, February 22, 2016

Are You Looking for an Effective Way to Teach International Business – GMMSO4 Can Help You

When it comes to teaching international business, instructors and teaching faculty has been facing one of the most important challenges – how to bring the real world into classroom or training environment. Many industry experts have recommended the need of a web-based platform that offers systematic step-by-step process to support students in their roles as future business managers and decision-makers in a global setting. Students are provided with an interactive, engaging, and innovative international business software which helps them to bridge the gap between theory and the rigorous decision making process of solving real, complex business problems. The Global Marketing Management System Online (GMMSO4) designed by Janavaras Associates International, Inc (JAI) which can be used for educational and business purposes.

Why the Need for Project based Learning Software Tool

GMMSO4 is essentially a project-based learning (PBL) software tool that can be used for
international business projects as a part of a course or on its own. These days, most academic establishments and training centers rely on internet technology to teach students. Also, research evidence seems to point out that one of the immediate consequences of increasing adoption of technology into the classroom is the shift from lecturer and lecture discussion to student-centric learning. This is where project-based learning tool like GMMSO4 plays an important role. According to many surveys conducted by instructors, GMMSO4 software enhanced the students’ international business understanding and improved their team-work and critical thinking skills.

Thus, GMMSO4 adopts student-centric classroom approach that involves discussion, critical analysis, and group work, and provides more opportunities for research and interactive discussions. According to academic experts, when student-centered learning approach is adopted by universities and training centers, there is high involvement and retention from students and lecturers adopt a more facilitative role rather than being a simple source of knowledge and expertise. Web-based GMMSO4 is entirely different from other simulation software available in the market in terms of features that include:

·         GMMSO4 is holistic
·         It is interactive and integrative
·         GMMSO4 is cognitive and experiential
·         Innovative and resourceful for both instructors and students
·         GMMSO4 is illustrative as it consists of many case studies
·         It is multidimensional

The main objective of GMMSO4 is to assist students as well as marketing managers to research global markets and develop effective global marketing strategies and plans. This global marketing management simulation software provides the much needed platform and offers a systematic step-by-step process needed to support students in their roles as managers and decision makers in a global setting. GMMSO4 enables its users to:

·         Conduct situation analysis of a business organization in global context
·         Identify high potential foreign markets for launching the company’s product or service
·         Determine the best entry mode strategy and create your unique marketing plan
·         Conduct an in-depth market analysis and choose the best foreign market

You can Ask for Instructor FREE TRIAL

If you are looking for an effective way to teach international business or global marketing, you can get the global marketing management teaching tools from Janavaras Associates International (JAI), located at 27 Capri Drive, Mankato, USA. You can ask for instructor free trial for trying the software to know whether it will meet your needs and requirements.

Monday, January 11, 2016

International Marketing Helps in Expanding Your Business Presence into Foreign Markets

International marketing is a marketing strategy implemented on a global scale by business organizations that want to expand their presence into foreign countries. When a business enterprise (irrespective of its size) wants to target their product/service to potential customers of another country other than the country it resides, the company has to take genuine efforts even if the company has the financial stability in spending huge sums of dollars at a new exporting venture.

Must Have Thorough Knowledge of the Foreign Market

If your business need to sell products or services in an international market, you need to know more about the foreign market you are targeting your product/service. You need to gather information about current market trends, your competitors of the market you are targeting, current political-geographical scenario, and many other aspects. While the principles of marketing is generally the same across the globe, but the business environment can be dramatically diverse from country to country, and even region to region.

According to industry experts, some of the frequent marketing concerns that you will face when you focus on international markets include advertising, price, input costs, distribution, and the stability of the foreign market(s). These factors are likely to vary by country and you have to choose the country which you think is more suitable to start conducting your business. Whether you are running a large business enterprise or a small business venture – to get over these hurdles, you need to coordinate and manage an efficient marketing plan.

Setting Up Your Operational Base in another Country

For large business organizations, they can set up their own operational or manufacturing base in the particular country they target. But when it comes to small business enterprises, it is hardly ever an option as it usually requires enormous sums of capital. Instead, they can form business partnership with either domestic or foreign business ventures that are already established in that target country.

There are business consultants who specialize in international marketing can also provide necessary expertise and guidance in developing business / marketing strategies. They can connect you with local intermediaries they can trust and rely on. They can provide you information on potential customers, pricing, advertising, distribution, and input costs. Also, they can help you in contract negotiations and setting up your exportation venture faster and more efficiently.

Another important point you need to note is that large business organizations can bear the losses occurred due to poor marketing strategy and preparation, but it is not same with small businesses as it will wipe out them completely.  So, for small and medium enterprises, market research is a vital strategy, and this is not just achieved by what you know, but who you know.

How to Determine Which Country is Right for Your Business

In the era of internet and mobile technology, many large corporations started investing on highly reliable and cost effective international business strategy tools that help them in finding opportunities for conducting their business in foreign countries. A web-based and user-friendly international business simulation software enables you to:

·         Determine which country has the highest market potential for your business
·         Conduct a company situation analysis in a global context
·         Develop your unique marketing strategy for entering that country
·         Choose the most effective entry mode plan for that potential market

Many business consultants, company executives, business instructors, government trade specialists, and even university professors use international business software for business and educational purposes. If you are interested in using this software, you can approach experts who develops this software, and they will help you in how to use this software to fulfill your business expansion goals.