GMMSO4 is a research and Global strategic planning management tool designed by Janavaras & Associates
International Inc. (JAI) that help companies to expand their business footprint
into foreign markets.
A good number of instructors
and students from Universities around the world have used GMMSO4 software in
international business and management courses as Project based teaching tool.
GMMSO4 as a Project Based
Learning Tool -
GMMSO4 software can also be used as a project based learning (PBL) tool for
educational purposes in Universities, training centers and businesses alike.
- Instructors teaching
- International business
- International management courses
- Global / International Marketing
- Global business strategy / policy
- Business managers seeking high potential markets
- Government trade specialists
- Trade consultants and practitioners
EIMSO2 is an export import software designed by Janavaras & Associates International, Inc.
(JAI) that is aimed on developing a company’s export or import strategy. This
tool consists of two dynamic software components – Export Management System
Online (EMSO) and Import Management System Online (IMSO).
By implementing EIMSO2,
business organizations can close the gap by developing their exporting or
importing plans, strategies and operations in a cost-effective and timely
manner, thereby helps your company enter or expand its presence into foreign markets.
For Educational Purposes as Project based teaching tool -
Web-based EIMSO2 can also be used as an Project Based Learning Tool and international trade research teaching and training tools, that is highly
interactive, engaging, and innovative for students. This international trade
research, teaching and training software helps them in bridging the gap between
international trade theory and the rigorous decision making process of solving
real, complex business problems. Students will learn exporting and importing
strategies, as well as international business tasks and technical aspects of
trading globally.
Feel free to contact Janavaras for any queries or a demo regarding International business softwares.